Sunday, March 3, 2013

Computers Help Education

Computers can help students during their education. It is used as an effective tool to help teach lessons. Now a days, many schools require the use of a computer to do homework. Libraries would require a computer for students to do research for their projects.

Such people who would use a computer are:
Guidance Counselors and Principals
-They are able to keep records of student's grades, and academic transcripts
-This also allows them to keep in contact with the teachers about the school such as; weekly announcements or school cancellations

Librarian and School Library
-Able to keep track of books where they are placed
-Allows them to keep a checkout record of when the book was borrowed and needs to be returned
-Students are able to do research on the computers for their homework

-Many teachers nowadays use the computer in order to communicate with their students (such as Sheridan SLATE e-mail)
-They are able to teach students how to work with Microsoft Powerpoint, Excel, or Word

-Students mostly need computers in order to complete their homework online (submitting assignments online)
-Also they are able to do their homework which requires research to be done online through the computer
-They are able to connect with their teachers through e-mail if there is an emergency or questions that need to be answered in order to complete their homework


  1. ngo for children education
    Plan india is a child rights organisation providing children, especially girls, with access to education, healthcare, protection and livelihood opportunities. • Plan India is a child rights organization providing children, especially girls, with access to education, healthcare, protection and livelihood opportunities
