Sunday, March 3, 2013

Computers Help Economy

Computers became a huge and important role towards the economy. Computers are basically used everywhere nowadays.

Such ways that the economy uses a computer are:
-The Internet
-Mobile phones
-Credit cards
-Modern cars, airplanes, etc.
-ATM machines
-Modern health care (MRIs, drugs, etc.)

Every modern car and airplane has a computer installed into it. A car would require a computer due to the use of a GPS to be able to travel around. Also, it wouldn't be possible to design a modern car or airplane without computers.

ATM machines would also require a computer in order for people to do their transactions. Computers are able to keep track of your account balance, and allows you to be able to withdraw money if you wanted to.

We must understand that computers have helped the economy significantly over the past decade of years. As technology keeps advancing and growing, it provides the economy to become a better place making it much easier to do things, and much more efficient.

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