Sunday, February 10, 2013

Computers Help Businesses

In today's society, many businesses around the world use computers in order to do their work. Businesses require a computer in order to keep track of accounts and money. An example of this can be an accountant, keeping track of all the transactions and money from an account. Thus, it has helped changed the way businesses to do work more conveniently in today's society.

Ever since laptops were created, businesses are now able to collect information from anywhere which makes it much easier to check and update the information faster. Technology has helped national and international commerce much more effective. Businesses are not able to connect with each other through their computers. Back in the day without computers, businesses will have to write letters to communicate with each other. The process sending a letter overseas and receiving it would take at least 2-3 weeks of time. But now, computers allow businesses to contact each other via e-mail. This helps make it a lot more convenient, and would take less than a second for the e-mail to be sent.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Impact of Computers

Looking in the world today, computers are being used with people from all different age groups. As well, they may impact into our lives through 3 different ways:

Personal Impact

Computers can help us through our personal lives such as; job opportunities, employment jobs, finding a new career, or even shopping online. The use of the computer is able make communication easier with our family members across the world. Computers are just like human-ergonomics; making our lives easier to do things.

Global Impact

Computers are now able to provide news online for people to read. It helps people to still be updated about what is happening around the world around us. Instead of having to read through newspapers, we are now able to read everything online on our computers.

National Impact

Computers can help us do our stock-market transactions, method of payment online through credit card, voting, etc. Computers make it more a lot more convenient for us to finish our work online. An example could be paying for your credit card bill. We are now able to make all our transactions online instead of having to drive to the bank now.

Here is a link about the Impact of Computers: